Man, I don't know what my problem is, but I just can't get excited about blogging lately. It feels like just another chore that I'm putting off. But, I've been putting it off too long, so I guess it's time to play catch up again.
August 3, 2009
Today is Kade's birthday, but because we have the dancers at our house, we decided that we would wait until Wednesday to celebrate. (The dancers would be off performin elsewhere that day-so we thought we could celebrate uniterrupted.) But, we found out that it was Yuki's daughters birthday as well and that she was in Rexburg with the team, so we called up the other host family and planned an impromptu birthday party anyway. We started off the morning with a fun bowling game. Yuki was amazing! He scored over 200 points! The rest of us at least broke 100:) 
Yuki, Brancyn, and Yosuke High-fiving their amazing moves.
After bowling, we went to Wendy's for lunch. The honey b-b-q chicken was an instant hit with Yoskue. After lunch we met up with the other host family for a little miniature golf, arcade games, and laser tag. 

Finally we wrapped it all up with gifts, icecream, and cake at our house. We finished all of the celebrating just in time to get the dancers to the street parade planned for that night. 
Yuki with his family I believe it is Hazuki and Hukimo(but i'm not sure:)
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