December 25, 2009
Well, we got home last night and got our stocking laid out, read our Christmas stories, and jumped into bed just in time. Santa came!!! Our Christmas pictures turned out fuzzy this year, we must have had the cmaera on the wrong setting, so I'm only posting a couple.
Liberty, Kayson, Brylee, and Kayson waiting to open presents, but already eating treats from their stockings:)
I got some slippers for Christmas. Brancyn was watching me open them and when he saw what they were, he immediately lifted his own foot for them. What a nut.

After we opened our gifts, which included the finished and beautiful quilts for the kids beds that I made!!! We had breakfast of pancakes with strawberry/raspberry jam and whip cream and then packed up and headed out for Grammy's. We enjoyed board games, play time, movies, good food, and a night over at Grammy's. Quin and Natalie stayed until the next day, so we also got a good visit in with them. It was a nice Christmas, but I'm glad the hustle and bustle is over.
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