Ok, back to catching up.

August 22, 2009
Today we went boating with Grammy and Grampy. I have been part of this family for 10 years, and this is the first time I've seen the boat up and running. Everyone was excited to go take it out on the water. The plan was to head to Blackstail Resivoir, but when we got there, there was a big line (apparently we weren't the only ones trying to sneak in some boating time before school started). So, we decided to head over to Gem Lake and see if we could get in there. There was plenty of room for us as well as a nice beach area for the kids to play at. It was a fun afternoon. Everyone enjoyed a ride in the boat, many tried their hand at being pulled on the tube and everyone enjoyed a little sun. When Liberty and I had our turn on the tube, it started to lose air. We all but got pulled under as we tried our hardest to hang on. We got the attention of Grampy just in time for him to stop before we were tipped right over! Of course we had life jackets on, but I have to admit I still am a little nervous out in such deep water with my little ones:)
Brancyn enjoying some sand and surf time
Kade and Kayson having a turn on the tube
Deidra and Liberty's turn
Some cute beach babes.
Brylee, Alyssa, Halle, and Liberty
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