September 3, 2009
This week, my family came to visit and attend the Farley Family Reunion. They spent the first half of their visit at Michelene's, then we all went to the reunion for a night and then they spent a few nights at my house. While they were here, I set my little brother Cheston up with my neighbor's daughter. It was his first date. We had a game night with her one night so that they could get to know each other a little bit before the date. We probably scared her to death as we introduced her to the Farley's game of "Braclets". A silly game involving hiding a few braclets and a guard watching over them while the rest of the family tries to find them. It involves lots of running around, diving into hiding places, getting caught, and of course lots of laughing. It was so fun. I havent' played this since Liberty was a baby. We had about 20 people running through my house and everyone from 2 year olds to 50 year olds were in on the fun! It was a riot.
Kade and my Dad discussing the finer points of the game "Braclets". You can see that Kade is sweating to death. He was the one guard trying to catch all the rest of us.
The runion was also a lot of fun. We haven't done an overnighter since I was a kid. This year my Aunt Judy offered the use of her cabin to all of us so that we could get together a little longer. It was great. I really enjoyed visiting with cousins, aunts, and uncles that I really don't get much of a chance to see. Thanks Judy for all of your hard work!! On the way to the reunion, we got a phone call. It was Gillian telling us she had just had her baby. It was great timing because my parents were going home that way and were able to see their newest grandchild. I don't have any pics of that little guy yet.
Tressie and Grandma Farley (The Matriarch of the Farley Clan)

Judy set up crafts for the kids at the reunion
Bill and Judy's cabin.
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